A review by paperbacksandpinot
Awakening by Bethany Adams


I have to admit that when I discovered that Awakening was Vek's story I was a little apprehensive, honestly, he's not one of my favourites although I know I'm in a minority with that! The introduction of Ralan's sister Dria as the other main protagonist was intriguing - a new character and a not so favourite character, I was scared that I may not enjoy this book as much as the others, especially after the intensity of Abyss. I should have trusted Bethany Adams though in that her writing would banish all my worries.

One of the great things about this book is that it's opening pages give you a recap on all that has come before, the story arc is wide and the character list expansive, so having this little bite sized rundown of each book was a real bonus. That being said, I did find it took me longer than usual to get settled in the story this time round. Dria is a fierce new character, she's been through a lot, and Ralan is really in the dog house, she has a tough shell to crack and that really translated across the page. Dria is far from your typical princess. We get to see a whole new side of Vek too and their snarky back and forth is pretty hilarious at times, building up on ever present tension between them.

Whilst the story was very much focussed on Vek and Dria, that's not so say that our old favourite characters don't get their turn, even if only fleetingly for some. There is a really touching scene at a dinner for the sake of Arlen and it just goes to show how much of a long way all the characters have come since the very formal and etiquette driven pages of Soulbound. There is a lovely banter which has built up from them being a wonderfully inclusive and diverse friendship group, the shock of this to Dria is almost reflected from earlier books, in that it is now her formality that felt out of place.

Whilst not as dark in overall tone as Abyss, Awakening still has plenty of intensity and stand out moments. Bethany Adams has now firmly proven that she can write amazing action in among court intrigue and intricate plots. The set pieces are really something, weaving swordplay and magics seamlessly together - I just hope that Lial gets a helping hand, he's had more than his fair share of work of late but the mysterious illness lurking doesn't fill me with hope that he'll be kicking back any time soon . The story flips so well between high and low fantasy that the scenes on Earth don't feel at all out of place and I'm massively intrigued by the ongoing impact of additional energy on humans and how that will play out as the series continues.

What I really loved though was Fen, his character has grown so much and his back story gets more and more heartbreaking. As we get to understand more about his potential bond I'm worried that he's not going to get an easy ride there either but I'm really hoping that the guy catches a break.

Awakening was such a good read and the series as a whole remains at a consistently great standard, it certainly feels like things are ramping up and I'm excited to see where things head next for the characters
