A review by dezzykins
The 5-time Rejected Gamma and the Lycan King by Stina's Pen



 I thoroughly enjoyed this captivating tale of love and acceptance! Stina's Pen has woven a delightful story with well-developed characters, particularly the relatable gamma and the intriguing Lycan King. The world-building is unique and immersive, with a fresh take on werewolf lore.

The writing is engaging, with a great balance of humor, drama, and romance. The themes of self-worth, acceptance, and love are expertly explored, making this book a heartwarming read.

My only criticism is that some supporting characters felt a bit one-dimensional, and I would have loved more development in that area. However, this is a minor quibble in an otherwise fantastic book!

Overall, I highly recommend "The 5-Time Rejected Gamma & the Lycan King" to fans of paranormal romance and fantasy. It's a delightful read that will leave you feeling uplifted and eager for more!