A review by nathaniel_1206
House of Spies by Daniel Silva


First Silva, picked this up on a whim at a local grocery store. Silva is a talented, smart, gifted writer. It's not a rip-roaring action packed thriller, rather it's a very patient, exuding intelligence, spy novel.

There is an impressive amount of detail this novel, which probably added a star, maybe a star and a half. Silva doesn't just have a plot, and characters, he's got the backstory down. He has the details, and there are details in this novel. Color me impressed.

There's a weird forty page lull as the third act begins, which I can't find a good reason for. Silva doesn't seem to impart any information that is crucial, or takes forty pages to tell.

Anyway, unlike other best-selling authors of other thrillers (Joseph Finder, Lee Child, the writers carrying on the Tom Clancy characters, John Grisham) I will not hesitate to pick up a Silva.

(I have lied about how long this took me to read. I mostly don't keep track of when I start books. If I was guessing this took three, four weeks.)