A review by angelahayes
Flower Shields by C.A. King


4 Stars

Flower Shields is the first book in the Four Horsemen series by C.A King. I have read all of Ms. Kings books now, and this one is among my favourites of hers. I loved the premise of the story and enjoyed reading Ms. King’s take and twist on the four horsemen myth. This is a very creative and individual urban fantasy that has gods, demons, good vs evil, mystery, suspense, action, drama, and supernatural elements.
The characters are superb- fully developed, interesting and likeable- who grew and developed as the story progressed, Tara most of all.
This is a very imaginative, unique and well written story. The author has a very dynamic style, with detailed descriptions and rich, vibrant scene setting. Through her words we are transported into the story and experience it along with the characters. Ms. King has produced an entirely captivating read. I wasn’t sure whether I’d enjoy it as much as some of her other books, but I am happy to say that Ms. King definitely didn’t disappoint, and I loved how she crafted the story and brought all the various elements together, weaving them into a story that held my attention from beginning to end.
I really liked this story am very intrigued by the promise it holds for the rest of the series. I am really looking forward to reading the rest of this series. Bring on Book two!

Thank you, Ms. King!