A review by alexxxxxxxxxx
Aliens: Dust to Dust by Gabriel Hardman


Stream of Consciousness review:

This comic seems like it was meant to be a clean start for both alien fans and newcomers to the series and it doesn't end up working for either group.

The amount of times that the kid is saved from Aliens where in other movies and comics people would have died hard is ridiculous.

It seems like it's mostly just this kid dealing with his mom being dead now, and blegh.

Xenomorphs now live by T-Rex 'don't move, they can't see you', rules

Characters appear out of nowhere so that they can distract the Xenomorphs to not kill the dumb kid

Also the alien that came out of the kids Mom apparently isn't going to attack him because the alien has mom's DNA and that will make the kids safe?

I like that the kid had to cut off the token Androids head to get to the safety shuttle to leave.

As a general concept, the idea was fine. However if they wanted to use this idea for a story, they probably should have made it more than one volume so that the kid could grow up and deal with his trauma by the end of the story, and then maybe go on to be a badass alien hunter. The way it is now, he was just a dumb lucky kid really didn't deserve to make it out over all of the other characters in the novel aside from the fact that that's how it was written and had to be done. I'm glad I finished it in one sitting. If there were a second volume to follow this I wouldn't read it. There were no stakes because you know that the gay girl who saved the small kid is going to make it out safe. The Android is going to make it out too obviously, because it's an Alien property. I don't know, generally there are better Aliens comics, novels and movies that you can watch instead of this. Also at the end the kid runs into a Queen alien and then is saved by his basically half-sibling I suppose. That was duuuuumb.