A review by gg1213
Marked by Vivian Arend, Kit Rocha, Lauren Dane


I received an e-arc of this book from the lovely ladies behind Kit Rocha, and admittedly
I wanted to read the book for the novella "Beyond Temptation".
So here are my thoughts:
Beyond Temptation was great. A nice little way to get a Sector Four fix while I wait for Beyond Jealousy to come out. Yeah, I wish the story had been a little longer, but it was a novella. Things are supposed to be open ended and suspenseful, especially in a case like this- where the characters are so connected to the main group and the story arc that carries the whole series.
I loved Emma and Noah and the way their romance was sweet while still firmly rooted in the classic O'Kane grittiness that fans of the series have grown to love.

I wasn't nearly as invested in the other two stories, sadly, and a big part of that is probably to the fact that I haven't ready anything else by Dane and Arend. I enjoyed the stories, sure...but I felt myself losing concentration and getting distracted much more easily. There is some silver lining to all that, though: while I didn't love the stories, I don't feel like it was the authors' fault, and so I do plan on coming back to re-read the other two novellas eventually to see if my opinion changes.

Ultimately, I think if you're a fan of all three authors, then this will be great for you...but if not, each story will be available for individual download shortly after the anthology is officially released- which might be a better option.