A review by scoutmomskf
Danger and Desire: A Romantic Suspense Anthology by Rachel Grant, Caitlyn O'Leary, Kimberly Kincaid, Cristin Harber, Janie Crouch, Elle James, Maryann Jordan, Cat Johnson


THE ROOKIE by Kimberly Kincaid
Series: The Intelligence Unit (Book 1)

My first romantic suspense by Kimberly Kincaid, and it won't be the last. The action and tension started quickly and never really let up. Tara gets a call from the confidential informant who is the crucial witness in an upcoming trial. Amour was severely beaten and threatened. Xander and his partner are the first on the scene. Tara arrives shortly after, and the sparks begin to fly. She and Xander have a history, and neither one can forget it. I loved the hospital scene, especially the part with the rubber ducks, and how it began the changes between Xander and Tara. Xander has put his dark past behind him and now wants nothing more than to serve and protect. He and Tara work together to protect the witness and take down the man responsible, bringing them closer. The sparks change from antagonism to attraction. Xander believes that he is nowhere near good enough for her, while Tara knows that he is all she wants. I loved watching the two of them open up to each other. Xander's compassion when Tara talks about her best friend's murder is heartwarming. Tara takes Xander's arguments about why he isn't a good man and demolishes them one by one.

The tension of keeping Amour safe while looking for the proof against Sansone remained high throughout the story. I ached for her and the fear she felt after the attack. I loved how Xander connected with her by telling his story and helped her regain the courage to testify. The team's protectiveness grew tighter as the trial neared. There was an unexpected twist in the attempt to stop the trial, and I was on the edge of my seat as it played out. I loved the scene in the ER at the end as Xander and Tara admitted their feelings.

NIGHT OWL by Rachel Grant
Series: Raptor

Good book, mostly straight romance with a hint of suspense. Jenna is born-and-bred Tamarack. She has no interest in leaving her hometown. In addition to her photography hobby and the pictures she sells, she works at the local bar. As the book opens, she serves drinks to a table of men from the local training facility. One of those men, Brad, is the object of her crush, though he doesn't appear to return the interest. That is until he offers to show her a nest of baby owls. There in the Alaskan twilight, he gives in to the attraction that burns between them. Brad insists it's a one-time thing because he will be leaving Tamarack and doesn't want to hurt her by starting something he can't finish. However, the heart wants more, and I loved seeing Brad and Jenna get to know each other over the next few weeks. Eventually, Brad must decide if he's going to stay or go. I loved his big moment at the end and how he felt about his decision.

There is a bit of background suspense. Jenna's friend Isabella is convinced that her brother, one of the Raptor operatives, was murdered, not killed in a training accident. She is determined to prove it. Meanwhile, another operative, Ted Godfrey, makes threatening remarks to Jenna. Brad is sure that something is going on with Godfrey and plans to watch him carefully. This mystery continues in the book Incriminating Evidence.

DESIRE IN D.C. by Cat Johnson
Series: Hot SEALs Origin Story

Nice story about the parents of Missy Greenwood (Saved by a SEAL) and how they met. Peter is an up and coming legislative aide who has political aspirations for his future. One night at a bar with his friend, Peter spots Marty Vanderbilt, who immediately catches his eye. While their first meeting doesn't go as he hoped, their second encounter is very different. Marty attends a Greenpeace rally as a reporter and supporter and runs into Peter, who is friends/roommates with one of the presenters. Marty is somewhat suspicious of Peter, but he gets her away safely when the rally turns violent. Sparks of attraction flare and Marty learns that first impressions aren't always the right ones.

I enjoyed their blossoming relationship as they get together whenever possible. Then Marty goes on vacation, and their worlds are turned upside down. She ends up on a hijacked plane, held hostage for days. Peter's fears for her prod him into actions he would never have considered before meeting Marty. I loved his vigil and the conversations he had. Both Marty and Peter take the time to consider their choices. I loved the assistance that Peter received from his SEAL friend Tim. The ending was terrific, especially Peter's "meet the parents" moment.

LEVI by Maryann Jordan
Series: Lighthouse Security (Book 6.5) Novella

Good story by a new-to-me author. Levi embarks on a new stage in his life as he leaves the FBI to work for Lighthouse Security Investigations. He plans to do a little sightseeing on his trip from Wyoming to Maine but doesn't expect to see a stranded woman along the way. There is an immediate connection between Levi and Claire, but he asks his new coworkers to run a check on her before he gets too involved. The results are disturbing, but he rescues her from an attack before he can ask her about them. I liked Levi's willingness to listen to her side of the story and how it rang true for him. Levi's protective instincts kicked in, and he asks for help from his LSI folks. The tension remains high as more information comes to light during their journey to Maine. The intensity picks up when an attempt is made on their lives. I was on the edge of my seat during that confrontation and loved how it went down.

I liked the development of the relationship between Levi and Claire. Levi left Wyoming looking forward to an uncomplicated trip. What he got with Claire was anything but uncomplicated. Claire was understandably wary at first, but she and Levi connected quickly. There was also an instant attraction, though Levi tried to resist it at the beginning, not wanting to take advantage of her. They grew closer quickly, and I liked their ability to talk honestly about plans and expectations. I loved the welcome they both received from the LSI people. The ending was terrific, and Claire's surprise for Levi was great.

THE GUARDIAN by Cristin Harber
Series: Aces

Good read. Jason and Roxana are already a couple at the beginning of the story. They've been together long enough that Jason is ready to propose. Roxana is thrilled. She loves her nice, boring CPA boyfriend, who is unlike her adrenaline junkie brothers. She's had enough excitement in her life. Her brother Dylan died in the line of duty, her father died shortly after of a heart attack, and her mother had an incapacitating series of strokes. She'll take boring any day of the week.

But there are things she doesn't know. Jason kept a huge secret from her, and it is about to blow up in their faces. Jason goes to break it to his boss that he's quitting, and it doesn't go well. He escapes with his life because the boss is drunk. Meanwhile, two gun-wielding people show up at Roxana's house, asking questions about Jason and making claims about what he really is. I felt for Roxana and her shock and adored the way she kept her cool. She did a great job of standing up to Spiker and Vanka, all while her heart was breaking. I didn't blame her at all for her thoughts on what she would do to Jason when she found him. I loved the bit about the basement, especially Jason's hidden-in-plain-sight instructions on escape.

It was sweet to see how desperate Jason was to show Roxana that he loved her and didn't want to lose her. He had to work hard to convince her, and she didn't make it easy for him. Confronting Spiker and Vanka was up next on the list. That didn't go at all as I expected. I thought the ending was a bit anti-climactic for everything that went on before.

SCOUT by Janie Crouch
Series: Linear Tactical

Nadine is a virtual personal assistant, enabling her to maintain her hermit-like life while still making a living. She first appeared in Survival Instinct as Chloe's best friend and was rescued from a dire situation by Wyatt. In the year since that event, Nadine has worked on healing from the emotional and physical trauma she experienced. Part of that healing is the email friendship she enjoys with Wyatt. Wyatt has waited patiently on her recovery as he longs to spend more time with her.

When Nadine encounters Wyatt at the local farmers' market, she thinks Fate has brought them together. She's finally ready to let Wyatt know of her interest in him. But Wyatt is in deep trouble, on the run for his life with information crucial to stopping a human trafficking ring. He dreads bringing danger to her door but desperately needs her help.

I loved this story. It was a tight, gripping tale of suspense, healing, and romance. I loved how comfortable Nadine and Wyatt were with each other, talking easily, and sharing activities. I felt bad for both of them when Nadine told Wyatt of her feelings, and he couldn't respond the way he wanted to because of the guilt he felt over what he was hiding. When danger comes calling, Wyatt has to come clean about those secrets. I ached for Nadine because she had just started to trust her judgment again, and now wonders if she was taken for a fool again. I loved how Wyatt worked so hard to show Nadine what an amazing woman she is. She soon learns that she's much stronger than she thinks she is, and I loved seeing her blossom under adversity. The ending was great with love and laughs, and happiness.

The suspense of the story was terrific. It began with Wyatt's arrival at the market and hurtled forward at a breathtaking pace. I could feel Wyatt's worry about bringing danger to Nadine while dodging the bad guys at the market and trying to keep the truth from her. That all fell apart the next morning when she dropped him off at a hotel but then got worried when he didn't answer her call. I thought she was incredible as she pulled off an unexpected rescue - loved the bear spray! - right under the bad guys' noses. From a house on fire to a chase through the woods, my heart rate never got a chance to settle. It was great to see the Linear Tactical folks get involved - a terrific scene at the diner - with their incredible teamwork. The final confrontation was a nail-biter, especially the last part. I can't wait to see what's up next.

LAWSON AND JILL by Caitlyn O’Leary
Series: Night Storm Legacy (Book 1)

Excellent story of love and loss and healing. The story opens as Marine Raider Lawson Thorne very reluctantly heads to grief counseling. He lost one of his brothers to suicide and has a hard time overcoming his guilty feelings. The opening is sweet as Law encounters a seven-year-old escapee from an arts-and-crafts class who schools him on talking about his feelings. This is followed by making it into the counseling meeting where he meets Jill. They connect right away and go out together after the meeting. Over the next few weeks, they spend every possible minute together, growing closer by the day. I loved that Law was a big, tough alpha Marine, yet had an old-fashioned sense of honor. As much as they were into each other, they got to know each other before moving to the next level. There were some emotional scenes as they shared their stories, and I loved how being together helped ease the pain.

But their lives get very complicated. A strange encounter with a man in her neighborhood puzzles her but doesn't trip any warnings right away, even after talking with her neighbor. It isn't until the neighbor rats her out to Law that she starts to get nervous, especially after a conversation with the grief counselor. Law's protective instincts roar into action when he finds out what happened. I loved seeing him get his friends and his other brother involved, though their arrival at Law's house to help came at a hilariously awkward time.

I was on the edge of my seat as Law and the others pulled out all the stops to keep Jill safe. I was very impressed with Jill's ability to stay calm and do what she needed to do to protect herself. I felt I was there as Law had his "gut feeling" and had to laugh when his friend stepped in to help. The final confrontation was a nail-biter, and I cheered to see the teamwork that made it happen.

Series: Delta Force Strong

Good second chance story in the midst of war. Mac and Kylie knew each other years earlier. She was a young college student, majoring in journalism, and he was a fresh-out-of-boot-camp soldier. They fell fast and hard for each other, but when Mac proposed, Kylie turned him down. She had too much she wanted to accomplish first and knew that Mac had big dreams also. As the story opens, Kylie and her cameraman are caught in the middle of a firefight in Afghanistan. As she defends herself, Josh, and the soldier assigned as a "minder," Kylie succeeds in killing three Taliban attackers before a Delta Force team rescues them. The last person Kylie expected to see was Mac.

Kylie and Mac are thrown together when she needs protection from retaliation because of the men she killed. I liked watching them reconnect. It's clear that the sparks between them are still there and that neither has forgotten their love. During a harrowing time of escape and evasion, Mac and Kylie take time to talk and realize that they are older and wiser now. I liked the honest communication about their feelings and the possibility of a future together. I loved the ending and the fun twist on the team's homecoming.

All of these stories were very good. Many of them are new-to-me authors who have now been added to my TBR list.