A review by rakoerose
Turbulence by David Szalay


This was perfectly satisfying and definitely quick to read. It’d be great if you’re in a reading slump. The fast pace and good writing may help!

I have to admit I initially was interested because of the gorgeous cover - props to the designer since it caught my eye! Now, after finishing this, I can see how it relates to the story.

I really enjoyed how connected the stories were. It felt a bit like that game “seven degrees of Kevin Bacon” but for normal, everyday people. How does this person relate to the next and the next and the next? It’s like a puzzle where pieces just keep falling into place.

However, the length of this is almost to the detriment of the stories. I found myself wanting to know more - which may be the point. That brief glimpses are sometimes all you see in someone’s life before you never see them again. I was pleasantly surprised by how much representation was shown in this, though, and how those small details helped in fleshing out characters quickly.

Reading this has definitely made me interested in reading more of David Szalay’s work and if you’re interested by this book, I say pick it up!