A review by stucknbooks14
Wild Steamy Hook-Up by Piper Rayne


(I received an ARC for this book)

Of the three, I think this is my favorite. Not only is Dom my favorite brother (don’t tell the others) but his and Val’s story held the most power. It held so much heavy emotion all the way through. It was easy to root for them. To root for Dom, for Val, and for them to find their footing together. While we got plenty of Enzo and Carm in the first two books, we never really got anything from Dom. He was such a mystery, which means I only needed him that much more. And of course, that ending for book two…Dom is the reasonable brother. The responsible brother. The wise older brother. However, that is not the brother we are welcomed by! Dom and Val have a deep connected past. She was never meant to be his, she was always meant for someone else. They may have been apart, but they were never without the other. When we got more information about Val, because she’s been his mystery woman through the series until now, I swear my eyebrows went up to my hair line and my jaw hit the floor. I was ready for a mess, but not this kind of mess! But it’s their mess, and it was beautiful to see them finally maneuver through it together. There’s a lot of moving parts for them to work through until they finally get their happily ever after. Especially when their parents get involved, and now everyones’ hearts are being played with, including mine! Dom knows that if anyone can change him, make him a better man, it’s Val. But is that a fight she’s willing to endure? Her mind is so focused on the negatives of the situation, she misses all the positive things. He’s hurt time and time again. He tries to turn his emotions off. To protect himself, protect her. And it’s painful to watch it unfold. Dom and Val’s heartbreak was my heartbreak. I suffered when they suffered. I really thought from the beginning that Carm was going to be my favorite; that he was a shoo-in. But now that I know Dom, I am so much more protective of him. And no matter how much I got of him, it was never enough. Val on the other hand…well, she’s no Annie or Bella. She always assumes the worst, never accepts any blame. She’s quick to run. I was hesitant when it came to whether or not she deserved Dom. I hated that so much fell back on Dom and he had to carry so much of the pain and heartbreak.

My Favorite Quotes:
• “Do you want breakfast, Mrs. Mancini, or should we each call our attorneys first?”
• “I’ll always want the world for you, whether it involves me or not.”
• “There’s nothing platonic about us.”
• “If there was a woman in this world who could change me, it’d be you.”
• “As delicious as always.”
• “I’m not picky. As long as it’s you I get.”
• “You stand on the first pedestal. It’s always you. Always.”
• “Do you not pay attention to me? There’s only one woman I want that with.”

7/10 Dirty Birdy
9/10 Second Chance
6/10 Single Parent
9/10 Series

This is my review for Sexy Filthy Boss
This is my review for Dirty Flirty Enemy