A review by bee_thebibliophile
The Hookup Mix-up by Riley Hart


The beginning of a new season of Franklin U…college aged guys falling in love and getting up to all kinds of Shenanigans (haha).

The Hookup Mix-up started out a lot of fun - Theo is a total golden retriever who doesn’t know how sweet he comes across and Perry is so earnest but so cautious about opening up to anyone. Their hookup mix-up is funny and the friendship that forms in return is really adorable but that’s kind of where the fun and sweetness stops?

Things between Theo and Perry go from friends to boyfriends pretty quickly and we don’t get to see much of their relationship development on-page, just bits and pieces of it plus the sexy times of course. I would have loved to see more of them truly getting to know each other. Theo’s struggles with school seemed to get swept to the side as soon as he talked with his parents and Perry’s complicated relationship with his father got sorted out really quickly. Everything that happened in this book just happened too fast - I wanted more depth and development for the characters and the story itself.

I loved seeing Ty and Brax again and am still looking forward to checking out what Franklin U Season 2 has in store in the other books coming out this summer.