A review by michalice
Destined by Aprilynne Pike


I can not describe how excited but nervous I was to start Destined.  Part of me couldn't wait to find out what happens next, but I was nervous that it wouldn't live up to my expectations and all the anticipation would lead to nothing.  Destined more than met my expectations, it exceeded them, so much in fact that I can't even describe how I feel once I have finished it.  The following review may not make sense or may be quite vague, and if you haven't read the series or Destined yet then I advise you to go do it now, just in case I spoil things for you.  It also wont be in my usual review format.
Destined picks up right were Wild left off, Yuki is still under captivity while Tamani, Laurel, David and Chelsea figure out what to do with her.  Their decision is finally made when a group of trolls attacks them, forcing this group to retreat to Avalon and try to save it.

Laurel discovers a secret about what was happening to her Mum and who was responsible for it and it takes a while for her to find peace in this revelation.  The reasoning behind it makes sense in a twisted sort of way, but I think the culprit went about it the wrong way and could have chosen another option.

Chelsea hears some truths from Yuki that she wasn't willing to hear or listen to, and I loved how Tamani was the one to reassure and comfort her and even though what he tries to say isn't exactly reassuring, he tried in is own way to make things better.  I love Chelsea, she is always there for Laurel, even if it means going to Avalon to help.  She is a real, true, honest friend and I am so glad that Laurel has her.  She is also good for lightening the mood...

"I'm going to tell my mom that David and laurel tried to elope'" Chelsea dead panned. "I only came along to try and talk them out of it. She'll forgive just about anything if she thinks I'm protecting laurel's virtue".

Klea is not who she seems and I love how it was kept hidden all this time.  I never once guessed this revelation and when it is all relayed back you can see the connections line up.

I absolutely loved how David uses his humanness for a good use and I actually cheered him on all the way.  Although the things he does are not respected and after its all said and done he gets no thanks for it I really admire how much he has grown in this book.

Tamani is constantly in your mind throughout Destined.  If he is not in the pages you are wondering how he is doing, is he ok.  You might think this would be a distraction but it isn't.  Whenever he comes back into the pages you can't wait to see what happens next, not only with him and David, but also with Laurel.  Near the end I was fearful over what would actually happen to him and I will admit to crying (again) over his scene with Yuki.  I am glad they made it right between them, but sad at the same time.  I love the conclusion he comes to and his final decision from this.  It was a perfect ending for him.

I love the fight scenes, they actually make you feel like you are part to it and not just a reader. You root for Laurel, David, Chelsea, Tamani and the rest of the faeries and are on tenter hooks waiting to see what happens next. The chapters ending in a cliffhanger have you saying "just one more chapter then I'll put it down and go to bed" and that one more chapter never arrives. I ended up just stopping and putting it down or I would never have gone to bed at a reasonable time (midnight) and would have been half asleep in work. There may be more action and fighting in Destined than the previous books, but it certainly does not lack for romance and romantic tension.

Destined was the perfect end to a great series, one that I will re-read. I laughed, cried, cheered and cried some more.  The last few chapters had me in tears from the pure emotional impact of them. Aprilynne is definitely an author to keep an eye on and all future work will find a place on my bookshelf.