A review by mamoru
The Witness for the Dead by Katherine Addison


Edit: I hate this series and so this book is going down to a very generous 3 stars.
A good little book to pick up in Autumn. We're following Thara Celehar, The Witness for the Dead, as he solves a few murder mysteries while being sort of an asshole. I have exactly one annotation in this whole book and it says: "why must he be such an asshole?"
I was so relieved he is not yet another Maia, that I am happily rounding up this book to a 4!
This book is fully contained, you don't need to read The Goblin Emperor (prequel) or The Grief of Stones (sequel). Sure, you'll get more from it if you read the prequel and continue with the sequel, but it works fine on its own. It's also fast-paced, entertaining and slightly scary (very scary for me!). We have a serial killer, ghouls, ghosts, the OPERAH!, slightly annoying will they-won't they, beautiful descriptions and more of the annoyingly convoluted fantasy names. But not as bad as in TGE. At some point, I stopped even keeping track of made-up names and words, which is why I read this book in a few hours.

Make sure you read the trigger warnings before picking up this book. I read it very quickly so I wouldn't have time to process all the horrible things that happen. I will mention suicide, murder, violence, gore, body horror and homophobia. In fact, I suggest you don't go near this series if you have suicidal ideation.