A review by loram
Dark Ride by Iain Rob Wright


The prologue depicts a disaster at an amusement park, centered in a scary ride called Frenzy. Jump ahead and the amusement park has been closed down for many years, leaving an eerie atmosphere as abandoned amusement parks often do.

A group of young people, one of them who works as a professional wrestler, go to break into the property for their own amusement, but a series of things go wrong before they even get there. Circumstances bring them into the jaws of the structure for Frenzy.

At this early stage, the story was well done and each event was nicely fleshed out. However, in the last third of the book when another reader might say it was just getting to the good part, I felt my attention waning. I worked out why.

Up to that point, events had happened within general believability. Even wild animals acting strangely can be easily swallowed. However, when things escalated, it jumped to impossible events. I can enjoy Horror stories that delve into impossibility or strange monsters earlier on, but the switch threw me off.

The closer to the end it got, the more it moved from doubtful believability to 'Give me a break!' Let's just say some injuries stop the body from functioning in the ways depicted. The author gets some points for having a disabled character, but loses some for depicting Woden as some mindless murderous god demanding sacrifices for no apparent reason. Learn your mythology dude!

Overall I enjoyed the read, but I didn't really relate to any of the characters and couldn't help noticing the inconsistencies towards the end.