A review by rowingrabbit
Dear Wife by Kimberly Belle


So this is what happened…..

Goodreads Buddies: Sandy? SANDY!

Moi: What?

GB: OMG, you have GOT to read this!

M: Really? Let’s see….riveting suspense, missing woman, suspicious husband….no. No. No. No.

GB: Just listen! We know you said you were done with the whole domestic drama/do you really know your spouse thing that has spawned a kabillion books since Gone Girl.

M: Aww, so you HAVE read my reviews *blushes*

GB: Em…sure. Anyhoots, this is different. It’s smart, has killer twists & a great MC.

M: Look, I appreciate you wanting to pass on a book you enjoyed. I truly do. But I read a whack of these & I’m going to be brutally honest. At the end of the day, I found most of the stories, characters & titles interchangeable & formulaic. Some of the MC’s really got on my last nerve & don’t even get me started on the credibility of plot lines. In fact I rolled my eyes so much...

GB: Yeah, yeah, you thought they’d get stuck backwards. You mentioned that. Several times