A review by deannasworld
Viral Justice by Julie Rowe


It's always an adrenalin filled, heart thumping ride when reading one of Julie Rowe's Biological Response Team stories. This one is no exception. I adore this world Ms Rowe has created, with great characters, deadly weapons and fanatical enemies.

Max is likely my favorite hero of all three books I've read so far. He is such a great character. I accidentally read a review which criticized Max as being a beta hero with Ali being the alpha of the two. I disagree. Max might not be a pumped up, ass kicking Green Beret Special Forces soldier but he's a force to be reckoned with. His dedication to his job and doing what's right is extremely commendable. He might not know how to shoot straight and kill a man with his bare hands in a dozen different ways, but he's smart, he's sharp, insightful, knowledgeable, and he's decisive. He's the best at what he does. A muscle bound grunt is easily replaceable. He is not. He recognizes the war he is fighting when it comes to biological weapons and he fights it with everything he's got. He's also a leader of a group of very strong, intelligent men and women, and they all respect him. That makes him a hero in my book, not whether he can kill a man at twenty paces. Of course, when push came to shove, he fought his own inner demons and won. He got it done.

Ali is also incredible. She's strong, determined and very, very tough. I was worried when I read the alpha comment about her that she would be one of those ball buster bitches, but she's not. She probably can be, since she is the one who trains the Green Beret Special Forces guys to be the kick ass fighters they are, which makes her better than them and far deadlier, but she doesn't come across that way. She comes across as dedicated, protective, and smart.

Another fantastic installment in the series. I can't wait for more.