A review by builtempires
人渣反派自救系统 by 墨香铜臭, Mo Xiang Tong Xiu


"In this world, there is nothing intolerable to the heavens."

Edit: After rereading, I decided to bump the rating from 3 to 4 stars. I enjoyed the story a lot more this time, I connected more with SQQ and LBH; I also liked their relationship and development better. I think last time I couldn’t connect with SQQ and the story initially so I gave up on it pretty early on, and I read the rest in a very superficial way. This time I gave it a chance all the way through and it was a different, more positive experience.


This is definitely my least favorite of MXTX's works, I kind of struggled to get through it despite it being short in comparison to other danmei novels I've read. The humor didn't really work for me most of the time (and that's more of a personal thing, I'm not saying this isn't funny), and I just didn't connect a lot with the characters. SQQ was a tough protagonist to like, at least in my opinion, and I wasn't very invested in the romance. SQQ and LBH have cute moment, but overall I wasn't really sold on the fact that they loved each other, I guess? The development just didn't work for me.

I still like some of their moments, as I said, and the plot was fine, it was entertaining and there were a few exceptions where the humor got a chuckle out of me. I think Moshang had a lot of potential and I was a lot more interested in them as a dynamic, I wish we'd gotten more in the extras.

I'm still glad I read this because I wanted to read all of MXTX's works, I think you can really see her improvement when you compare this to MDZS and TGCF. While I didn't hate reading this, I just wanted more out of this novel and these characters.