A review by deanna_rigney
Juliet, Naked by Nick Hornby


This is the story of Annie, a smart but doubting-herself-at-every-turn English chick who has been coupling with Duncan, a die-hard obsessive fan of Tucker Crowe, who happens to be a one-time ‘80s rock star who disappeared from the scene in 1986, and how their lives have kinda intersected all because of the internet. So this has humor and wit in the ways you’d expect, because Hornby doesn’t usually dumb anything down or overly explain anything to his readers (and I thank him for that.) I’m not sure how I feel about the ending, and overall it was enjoyable, but I have certain expectations of Hornby à la High Fidelity that this couldn’t live up to pour moi. This would be a 3 ½ easily had there been halvesies, but since there aren’t I’ll have to give it a 3. I’d still recommend it though; especially if you’ve liked anything else he’s written.