A review by shamelesslyintroverted
The Collected Regrets of Clover by Mikki Brammer


Quite possibly the best NetGalley ARC I've ever been given, so thank you. This was truly a gift.

I was drawn in by the concept of a death doula. I've heard of a birth doula (thanks to Gilmore Girls) before, but I've never heard of a death doula. Usually, it annoys me when half of the book is just business as usual for a character, but I loved it here.

Living in Clover's shoes as a death doula was magical. This is such an important and interesting career and I loved learning more about it. The first thing I noted about this book was the tone. There's a melancholy kind of sadness that weaves its way through each page, making the book feel reflective.

One thing I made a specific note of was the death cafes. I love this concept and I want to do more research on them because they sound fascinating. In this book Clover visits these groups (which reminds me a lot of group therapy) and they talk openly about death. They pick different topics and just chat about death. I think that the nature of these groups would've been super useful back when I dealt with a prior loss -- way more effective than group therapy.

This book isn't really a romance, but there's romance in it and I loved the small snippets we did get. The major theme of this book is living the life you're granted and not living with regrets. This book gets compared to The Midnight Library because of these themes, but I think Mikki Brammer did a better job than Matt Haig did. I didn't like the Midnight Library much, if you're wondering. And to think that she's a debut author! I'll definitely be reading her next book.

**Oh and I fucking sobbed at the end of this book. Just saying.**