A review by kathydavie
Hexbound by Chloe Neill


Second in The Dark Elite urban-fantasy young adult series set in a contemporary Chicago and based in a girls' boarding school.

The Story
Lily is settling in to school and her new Adept status pretty well, heading out with Scout most nights to fight the Reapers. Although, that one Reaper boy, Sebastian Born, he's an odd one. Helping her out like that. Wanting to teach her. Giving her hints. What's up with that?

In the meantime, Lily is wading through vampires at night, stealing minutes to be with Jason, worrying over her parents while sneaking about the headmistress' office, and giving it right back to the brat pack as she learns more about her particular brand of magic.

The Characters
Neill's characters have healthy combination of stereotype and reality to them although I'd like to see more tension and depth to them.

My Take
Neill does a lovely job of teen slang and I love the snark between Lily and her friends. I'm rather suspicious of Lesley; there's an odd feel of evil about her!

Neill raises a number of questions in this second installment. Just what research does SRF fund? Why does Sebastian seem so sympathetic one moment and toeing the party line the next? Just what is it that Nicu feels about Victoria? Whose side are her parents on? What's the deal with the other Enclaves being told a different story about Scout's rescue?

The relationships at school are too tame. Lily easily has Jason for a boyfriend. Although, Neill does create what I consider an extremely minor problem between them. I mean, gimme a break, they're only 16. It's not like they're going to have a lifelong love affair! There's a teeny bit more tension between Scout and Michael while there's a bit more between Victoria wanting Creed who seems more interested in M.K. It'll be interesting to see what happens at Sneak.

Then there's the school's defenses. It seems pretty wide open. What is it that keeps the Reapers out as well as it does??

The Title
The title was a blip on the radar. Only once is Hexbound mentioned in the story.