A review by literacyluminary
Lift by Kelly Corrigan


I don’t normally drool over writers – there are some that I like more than others, but if they were in a café where I was eating, I would think, “Ah, there is so-and-so” and go on my merry way. None of that applies to Kelly Corrigan. If she were in a café, I would do something stupid enough to get myself noticed so I could meet her. I love her that much. She is fresh, she is honest, when she drops the F bomb she sounds really cool, she yells at her kids and admits it, she survived cancer, and her husband is from Arkansas – that in and of itself seals the deal. Yes, she is who I want for my next best friend and I will read every word she writes for the rest of my life.

I loved her 1st book – The Middle Place – her memoir about cancer, family, husband and children. Her latest release is not so much a book, but a letter to her daughters called, Lift. It can be read in one sitting. A brief, but powerful message from a mother to her daughters about things they will never remember about growing up. It’s a perfect size to be kept in your purse, so on really bad mother days - -you could pull it out and reference it and say, “Kelly’s been thru the same thing!”

I adored this “amuse bouche” of a book. A perfect way to remind me that my kids will survive my rants and may even thrive with me as their mother!