A review by clarissa_lily
Kingdom of the Feared by Kerri Maniscalco


If I had a word to describe this book it'd be disappointing. My hopes were pretty high going into KOTF but, unfortunately, it missed the mark on so many levels.

The cliffhanger ending of KOTC had me literally counting the days till I could get my hands on this final installment. The prospect of diving back into Wrath's icy hell and finally finding out "whodunit" had me diving into this one virtually straight away (a feat as a mood reader) but that excitement soon sputtered out into confusion and disappointment.

So why has KOTF got me feeling some kinda way? Mostly it all boils down to pacing and plot issues. The mystery of Emilia & Vittoria's memories/identies gets pretty much resolved offhandedly before we even see the end of chapter 5. Even worse, a strange subplot-mainplot hybrid involving new characters, both of which have no consequence on the central plotline whatsoever, takes it's place. Just why?

And I wish this weird plot substitution was KOTF's only issue but alas, there's more: worldbuilding and reasoning in this book are just completely absent. Plot points and character choices are kind of thrown on the page with no explanation. I lost count of the amount of times I flipped back and forth to see if I'd missed something. How can the mortal witches come and go from hell? No idea. How does Wrath's power sharing work? Not a clue. Why does Emilia so tirelessly want to redeem her murderous sister who's done nothing but lie and attack both her, her loved ones, and her community? Who the hell knows!

But the nail in the shitty coffin is Emilia losing her powers. Can we just stop it with FMCs losing their powers for man already? The salt in the wound - cos you best believe it somehow gets worse - Wrath gives them back to her (with absolutely no reasoning as to how) and totally undermines the whole plotline which led to her losing them in the first place.

I also think this series in general has an identity crisis. It started of as a YA with a gripping plot and slowly descended into your standard "All Smut-No Plot" kind of read. And no hate to those books, I read them, but it's not what I want as the finale act of a YA fantasy come murder mystery trilogy. I think it's doubly a shame because not only has the series gone wildly off track plot and writing wise it's also setting up a trilogy which genuine YA readers won't be able to finish.

I truly wanted to love this book. Instead, after waiting for KOTF for a little over a year, I'm just tired.


Just because something isn't for me doesn't mean it won't be for you. As with all reviews, take this with a pinch of salt and remember everyone has different preferences.