A review by diamondxgirl
The Dialogues: Conversations about the Nature of the Universe by Clifford V. Johnson


#thedialogues poses an interesting idea: what if we incorporated science into our daily conversations the way we do politics, sports, or movies/tv shows? What would our world be like if we discussed our questions or unknowns? What if every scientist believed those outside the field were interested (and capable!) of having discussions around science?

Science can feel exclusive but The Dialogues finds a way to bring it to the lay person. Swipe to see my favorite panel, featuring two youth going through the scientific method (without even knowing it!). Their curiosity came from a meal they were eating.

Last year, we went to #SVCC, which featured a partnership with #NASA. I didn’t go to a con expecting to want to spend the entire weekend in science panels but once we engaged with NASA scientists, we couldn’t resist spending our weekend learning more. My preferred science has always been biology (my original major!) but I was way into the astrophysics being presented. The Dialogues reminded me of this experience!

I loved that the author/illustrator designed a graphic novel versus a print story (show, not tell). I also appreciated the explanations at the end of the chapter, which provided insight and further reading opportunities.

Highly recommend for everyone to plant the seed of adding science to your day! Take that curiosity into your daily conversations and watch yourself turn into a scientist!

PS who is joining us for the #Gemina part of #illuminaereadalong, starting next Monday! Reading #SFF is a great way to start a discussion about science!