A review by amybraunauthor
Riders by Veronica Rossi


I always love stories that involve the Four Horsemen and urban fantasy is one of my favourite genres, so picking up this book was a no-brainer for me. For the most part, it hit every single mark, too. The visualizations and the action were spot-on. I was deeply immersed and could see everything happening as though I were there. All of the characters (and their horses) had distinct personalities and it was really engaging to see how the main character, Gideon (who I like and who had a good arc), interacted with all of them. Particularly Marcus, whose relationship with Gideon is one I would like to see expanded. There were some times where the story dragged on for me, and I could feel my focus slipping a little bit. This was usually at the parts where the narrative skipped between the past and the present. Sometimes I find this concept interesting but here it didn't always seem to flow for me. But that's not a big complaint (especially at the insane ending) because it was a really good read and I enjoyed the concept a lot. Definite recommend if you're looking for a change in urban fantasy and young adult fantasy!