A review by monakabbani
The Hobgoblin of Little Minds by Mark Matthews


“That’s what she’s been—just one of an army of hobgoblins terrorizing her dad, trying to fix things with foolish consistency, over and over again, repeating the same efforts that didn’t work.”

Kori Persephone Driscoe needs to get her dad out. But he refuses to leave the hospital. The same psychiatric hospital that tested on him relentlessly until he could barely take it. But even abandoned, he doesn’t want to leave the underground tunnels of Northville Psychiatric. Because that’s where the monsters like him stay.

This is a unique werewolf story that instead of delving into solely the bloodshed, delves into the psyche. How do werewolves think? What runs through their minds when they’re on the brink of transformation? The psychological examination reads like a blur. The writing is fluid, almost like a continuous stream of unconscious thought touching upon mental illness, specifically bipolar disorder. If you’re fascinated by psychological stories with a taste of bloodshed, this would be for you.

Because the story is psychological in depth, it can get wordy so if you’re not a fan of long prose, this may hinder you. However, the writing is well done so the read is highly enjoyable. I do wish we learned more about some of the characters—there were mysterious backgrounds I desired to know. BUT, by the way the book ends, I’m assuming there will be a book two and all those delicious nuggets of information will be given. Looking forward to seeing what Matthews brings us next!