A review by bibliophilebynight
Crescendo by Becca Fitzpatrick



I read this book all in one day and it was amazing!
I have to say though that they Patch frustrated me to no end at the beginning and I actually wanted to throw the book at some of the things Patch did to Nora (but that goes to show how much of an amazing writer Fitzpatrick is!) Overall though, I could not put this book down and I read it within a day.

The story continues on from Hush Hush, a story about Nora and her fallen Angel "bad boy" Patch who has turned Guardian Angel and got his wings back because he saved Nora's life. I have to say though in the beginning Nora seems a bit needy. Quotes like 'don't ever leave me' and 'i love you' - um how long have you guys been together? I just doesn't make it believable and in fact it seemed a bit like teen drama to me (Which I hate saying cause I love the series!) This is when Patch gets really really distant from Nora BREAKS UP WITH PATCH...was totally not expecting that in the book. And you know what. I'm glad she did cause now she doesn't look like the weak victim in the relationship. NO WAY is she letting Patch just walk all over her and tell her what to do. GIRL POWER I SAY.

Up to this point the plot does go in circles for a bit, but I don't mind as it does answer a lot of questions and fills in the gaps. Nora also has an encounter with her 'dead' father. That part really doesn't make any sense till the end of the book so be patient!

Vee, have to say that I LOVE Vee. She's Nora's wing woman and the coolest wing woman yet! I have to say that Patch does annoy me a little in the book by keeping so much from Nora (a lot of heartache could have been avoided if he would just be honest with her from the beginning) and the fact the Marcie FINALLY explains why she hates Nora so much is a blessing (It also bugged me how mean she was, with never an excuse, but I guess that is the case most of the time with bullies.

In the book you meet a new character, Scott. I have to say I don't really know what to make of him in the book and wonder if he really needed a place in there. He is kinda of placed as her re-bound in the book, but she doesn't really rely on him and bad things keep happening to her around him. I kinda like him as a character (but he just seems to much of a egg to me). But I guess he is used to add depth to the story, so ok I'll run with it. Rixon...HOLLLLYYY MOOOOLLLLLYYYY. Was not expecting him in the slightest (well done Becca Fitzpatrick - you totally had me fooled, no way was I going to guess Rixon!) I could see though how no one would suspect him and could even see Patch's anguish that his best friend turns out to be evil. Poor Patch.

To sum it all up, I did love this book and it kept me on the end of me seat the whole type and it was a real page turner. The characters kept me engaged (I have to say I was feeling just as frustrated as Nora and angry at Patch. 5 Stars for this book, Just cause its so amazing!