A review by theresidentbookworm
Man-Eaters #9 by Chelsea Cain


Finally, an issue of Man-Eaters that feels like it's getting somewhere! I was so furious with Man-Eaters #8 (yet another pointless filler issue that pissed me off) that I considered not continuing with the series. However, I have spent too much time with Man-Eaters already, and I have to know how Chelsea Cain's wacky series ends.

Man-Eaters #9 moves the plot of the revolution forward, which it is something I've been looking forward to. So far, this series has had far too little revolution for me taste. I love the revolution. I love Maude's new hair, her distain for the rehabilitation center she's in, and the resistance movement she leads there. I'm very eager to see where this part of the series goes because I can see it truly having potential. Cain also throws in a little twist later on in the issue that I didn't see coming so that was nice too.

Here are a few of my favorite moments:

1. Jeff genuinely not knowing how menstruation works and his ex-wife telling him to look into that and educate himself a little. Cain is at her cleverest in this issue.

2. The interaction between Maude and her dad where she cheerfully declared they're defeating the patriarchy and he reacted by saying...: "...And that's how we're going to defeat the patriarchy. Dad?" "But the patriarchy is... me." God, I wish every dad had this sad but sincere revelation.

3. Men misguidedly thinking they can or should help women when the help is unsolicited and then thinking women should be grateful for it is usually frustrating, but in this issue it's just funny.

I'm happy to be excited about Man-Eaters again. Recommended!