A review by mairiairi
The First Sir Percy (an Adventure of the Laughing Cavalier) by Baroness Orczy


You can read this book for free at Blakeney Manor. Directions down beeloww.

I loved this book, more than The Laughing Cavalier I think. If you've read this book all the way up to Chapter 9 and you're thinking about stopping, don't! Reconsider bro, it gets better, I promise. The characters are pretty kick*** (butt).

SpoilerIF YOU HAVE NOT GOTTEN TO CHAPTER NINE, DO NOT CONTINUE READING THIS SPOILER. This is for those of you who have already gotten to the low point in this book. If you have, keep reading.

Let me tell everyone who is at that point in the book, everyone who is very disappointed and hates the book right now because of his dilemma, I promise that if you liked the Laughing Cavalier, you will like this book.

Just because he's blind doesn't mean he's defeat-able. If anything, he's more awesome now that he's working around the huge roadblock of being blind.

(I read most of the books on blakeneymanor.com. Click on the picture, then at the top right corner click on the picture "Books", then click on the top picture (with the books, and the "Scarlet Pimpernel Series" next to it) which will take you to the chronological listing of the whole series. They're in chronological order, from top to bottom, starting at the left. Click on the flower to the left of the title. Or, if my directions are too hard for you, click on this link and it'll take you straight to The First Sir Percy.)