A review by sjgrodsky
All the Rivers by Dorit Rabinyan


Read for the Hadassah book club. And then, the night before the book club meeting on Tuesday, I tripped and injured my left leg and knee. Awful pain Monday night, and still too painful to even think about attending the meeting on Tuesday night. Not even on Zoom.

Very sorry I missed the discussion.

Well written, good concept, but I didn’t find the love interest character, Hilma, attractive. Disorganized, poor planner, and smoked. Yeech! Yes, I know I lived with Don Weeda for almost a year, and that he was a smoker. Somehow, I didn’t mind the smell when I was 21 years old. Can’t understand now how i stood it.

Back to the book. Because I didn’t find Hilma attractive, I couldn’t sympathize fully with the protagonist’s conflict.

Or maybe I’m just too old to understand the passion of love among those of disparate backgrounds. A dog can fall in love with a fish, as Tevye says, but where would they live? Or, in a more literate example, Romeo and Juliet were beautiful together, but they both died in the end.

Finally, I agree with the critic who said that the author took the easy way out when seeking for a resolution. Killing off Hilma saves the protagonist from having to make the tough choices she avoids from page 1. You know the protagonist will grieve for awhile, dream of what might have been. Then she’ll marry another sabra and settle in the Tel Aviv suburbs.