A review by blainembentley
The Republic of Thieves by Scott Lynch


My rating on this one has nothing to do with the actual quality of the book and has everything to do with my enjoyment of the book. 

Lynch has been very consistent in my opinion with the Gentleman Bastard books. His character work is so well done. Locke and Jean are so charismatic and very enjoyable to be with. The way the plots are crafted and slowly build to a big reveal/resolution of the plot is done so wonderfully. His prose is just perfect. It feels sophisticated, but is easy to follow. I just love how the story flows. I have a lot of the same praises I had for the previous two books.

The actual plot is where this book fell flat for me. I feel it was still very well executed, but I was just not that into it. I found the “big job” in this book to be very bland. I did not find any of it to be all that interesting and was bored throughout the book. There have been flashback sequences in all of the books so far. However, the ones in this book almost felt like they were competing to be the main story, rather than complement the story as they have in the previous books. The book was almost split evenly between the flashback and the current time. I did find the events in the flashback sequence to also be lackluster. 

I do appreciate that there is one character who is constantly mentioned in previous books that finally made an appearance in this book. It was nice to get to know them and their background story. I really do hope that we see more of them in future books (if we ever get more books). 

This was my least favorite of the three, not because of weak writing, the plot just didn’t click with me. Not too bad that I would stop reading any future published works in this world.