A review by brittney_tyler
Soul Eater by Michelle Paver


Star Rating: 4 stars

Note: This is the 3rd book in the Chronicles of Ancient Darkness so this will not be an in-depth review.

Needing a break from all the complex, library books I was reading, I decided to pick up Soul Eater by Michelle Paver, the 3rd book in the Chronicles of Ancient Darkness series to continue my re-read of the series. This series tells the story of Torak, a young Wolf Clan boy, from 6,000 years ago as he tries to save his world from the dangers of the Soul Eaters. The Soul Eaters are clan-mages that have become disillusioned with the World Spirit and have decided to break away for its control so that they can control their own destiny. However, their meddling has drastically affected the safety of the world and everyone in it.

My absolute favorite thing about these books is that in each book so far, we have got to explore and learn about a different area of this prehistoric world. For instance, book one showed how clans lived in the Open Forest, while book 2 shows how the Sea Clans live, and this book, book 3, shows how clans in the Far North live. As a lover of history and archaeology, I really loved learning how the different clans survived in these different environments, and I hope that the rest of the series continues to give me this chance.

The only thing that I am a little confused about when it comes to this series is I don’t really understand what the conflict is exactly. It has never been explained clearly and I really wished it would be because I am a little confused about what the Soul Eaters are doing and why they need to be stopped. I understand that they are bad, but as to exactly what they are doing and why, I don’t understand. I hope that this gets to be explained in later books.

All in all, this is an amazing addition to the series and I can’t wait to keep reading. 4 stars overall!!!!!!