A review by readandchill23
How to Be Less Stupid about Race: On Racism, White Supremacy, and the Racial Divide by Crystal Marie Fleming


So many thoughts about this book.

One: A spirit of thankfulness. It's Sociology 101 and folks like myself on occasion find it difficult to articulate the ills of white supremacy, heterosexism, and the ties of our history to the present. Dr. Fleming does a great job of laying it out and encouraging readers to do their own research thereafter. This work serves as a great refresher book as well.

Two: F*ck your feelings. Check them at the door. Honestly, Dr. Fleming isn't here to coddle you and make you feel good. Sorry, not sorry. You're gonna feel some sorta way about everything that's being addressed. I even found myself falling back into my old ways of respectable politics and tone policing while reading a few of her chapters. But I checked myself because nothing she's saying is false. So if you're serious about wanting to address your miseducation, then this is a great start.

Three: This was written for those seeking answers and change. I can't imagine benevolent or ignorant racists getting past the first chapter without throwing the book in the fire. But I do see those wanting to learn and change beyond the "one love/all lives/Obama killed racism" narrative they've clung to using this book as a stepping stone to a new chapter in their lives.

Bravo, Dr. Fleming.