A review by fangslibris
Pas de deux by E.J. Noyes


I was wary going into this book (author I'm unfamiliar with, romances aren't usually my thing, and so forth) but I ended up really enjoying it. The story even beyond the romance was really engaging, and I ended up devouring it in basically one night. The romance was good, if a little drawn out at the end. I don't feel the need to understand every detail of how they made their relationship last, I think it's okay to just go with Happily Ever After sometimes.

My biggest complaint is that some of the verbiage really threw me off. There's a lot of "she folded her arms over her breasts," "she straightened her back and pushed her breasts out." Like... we can just say chest. It's a weird vibe to me.

I will say this book is thoroughly about horses. So if you're not going to enjoy incredibly detailed passages about how Caitlyn got her horse (Dewey!) to execute a perfect piaffe, or how Addie treats bee stings, etc. you'll probably want to skip this one.