A review by booksdogsandjess
She Walks These Hills by Sharyn McCrumb


This was an alright story. It is about many different people in a small town in the Appalations(sp?) and their connection to each other. There is an elderly escaped convict, a middle aged woman dispatcher who wants to be a deputy(and feels the need to explain this on every friggen level), a history Student who tries to walk the 200 year old trail of a girl who escaped the indians and maybe a ghost. There is also a of a radio dj(who really bugged me, but I don't like radio dj's so thats a Jessi thing I guess) who tries to solve an old murder case. All these story interconnect and I found the author did a great job of going from storyline to storyline.But there was not one character I liked not one, they were well developed but I was not interested in them in the least,some I found pathetic, others I could not follow their motivations for anything. The reason I gave this 3 stars instead of 2 is the description of the land itself was perfect and maybe I enjoyed it more then usual because of my dislike for anyone in the book,but the mountains,forsets and the highways,McCrumb painted a fantastic picture of the setting and that is what kept me going through this one.