A review by melhara
Change Sings: A Children's Anthem by Amanda Gorman


September 23, 2021 Update:

I can hear change humming
In its loudest, proudest, song.

I don't fear change coming,
And so I sing along.

Poetry is best read aloud, especially if the work is written by [a:Amanda Gorman|17342520|Amanda Gorman|https://s.gr-assets.com/assets/nophoto/user/u_50x66-632230dc9882b4352d753eedf9396530.png]. Seeing as this is a picture book though, I decided to listen to the audiobook while reading along (which I highly recommend doing)!

This was a fairly short picture book and audiobook (only 4 minutes long) but it was still packed with lyrical verses and gorgeous illustrations.

This is a poem about change (obviously) that uses music as a metaphor with accompanying artwork illustrating the many ways change can happen (ex. picking up garbage, helping others, etc.).

One of my favourite lines from this poem is:

I hum with a hundred hearts,
Each of us lifting a hand.

I use my strengths and my smarts,
Take a knee to make a stand.

Honestly, I can read this book over and over (and listen to Gorman read it over and over) and not get sick of it.

Also, can someone please turn this into a song?

September 21, 2021 Update:
Happy publishing day!!

January 14, 2021 Update:
We finally have a target publishing date (September 21, 2021) and you can now pre-order the book!

Honestly, I've become an even bigger fan of Gorman's work over the past few months and SEPTEMBER CAN'T COME SOON ENOUGH! I'm also super excited that Gorman has been selected to be the official inaugural poet for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris