A review by tyrshand
An Oath of Dogs by Wendy N. Wagner


What a fascinating novel! I loved the ecology of the planet, the religion that morphed from it, the fact that both main characters came off as prickly but then you get to know them... There are several interesting twists as well.

I feel like I've got a lot to say about it, but so much would be spoilery so you'll just have to read it so we can discuss it.

Though the book is a complete tale, there are plenty of questions left unanswered. I don't know if this means there will be a sequel, but, if not, these aren't the kind of questions that would be maddening. They're interesting ones to ponder and debate, rather than cliffhangers.

I suppose what stands out to me most is that even though a lot of awful things happen on this far off moon, I still picture it as breathtaking and would love to visit.