A review by manha10
Pumpkinheads by Rainbow Rowell



I enjoyed this story! I liked Josiah and Deja and the setting of the pumpkin patch. I love Halloween and the colors really reflected that and fall; my favorites. The drawings were great and I liked the intertwining of the animal that got out of its cage. Though I enjoyed it, one of my new years resolutions is to be more critical of my reading as before, I gave 5 stars to books I enjoyed a bit but didn't LOVE LOVE it. I want to change that this year and make sure I give a high rating to books that really deserve it. I didn't like that the WHOLE story was focused on Josiah trying to find the girl he has had a crush on for 3 years and in ONE page, he decides that she isn't for him and makes a move on Deja after. She is a second choice which I didn't appreciate? It was clear that she liked him but he didn't pick up on it at all. Also, he realizes it after 2 minutes of talking to Marcy though not knowing her at all. Anyways, its supposed to be fiction so its forgivable but still. Overall, liked it!