A review by leialocks
The Clothes On Their Backs by Linda Grant


Vivian, an only child of Hungarian refugees, finds herself a widow and unemployed at 24. With no direction and no drive, she patiently waits out her days at the house she grew up in. Will a chance (or was it?) meeting with her criminal uncle, Sandor, who used to be a slumlord be the event that turns her around? Will the connection to her parents' past help her through her struggles?

I'm still not sure what story this book was telling. Was it a story of Vivian overcoming her grief? Was it Sandor's redemption? Eunice's courage? Berta's and Ervin's quiet life? The characters are good; they just don't seem to do much. The secrets of the past are also not very shocking secrets. The clothes motif is very vague and not developed fully throughout the book. Overall, an average book.