A review by illreadmyownway
Ghost Cities by Siang Lu


Ghost Cities – inspired by the vacant, uninhabited megacities of China – follows multiple narratives, including one in which a young man named Xiang is fired from his job as a translator at Sydney’s Chinese Consulate after it is discovered he doesn’t speak a word of Chinese and has been relying entirely on Google Translate for his work.

How is his relocation to one such ghost city connected to a parallel odyssey in which an ancient Emperor creates a thousand doubles of Himself? Or where a horny mountain gains sentience? Where a chess-playing automaton hides a deadly secret? Or a tale in which every book in the known Empire is destroyed – then re-created, page by page and book by book, all in the name of love and art?


This is an absolute riot of a novel, full of quirky characters and a plot that keeps you on your toes. 

The book's alternating timelines and short chapters keep the pace fast and engaging, just the way I like it! 

You can't help but laugh out loud at the absurdity and humour in the story—it’s been a long time since I've laughed this much while reading a book. 

Although they are nothing alike, this novel gave me similar vibes I felt when reading "Piranesi” - I wasn’t sure what was happening but I was committed til the end. 

The narrative seamlessly weaves together multiple stories and it’s an entertaining ride, but you'll need to pay attention to the intricate details—no skim reading allowed!

The clever use of language and vivid descriptions paint a rich picture of these ghost cities, inspired by the vacant megacities in China. 

I would love to see this adapted into a mini-series; it has the perfect blend of comedy, mystery, and sheer creativity. If you're in the mood for something unconventional and fun, "Ghost Cities" is definitely worth your time!

Thank you to the author for my gifted copy.