A review by _rusalka
Das Buch der Spiegel by E.O. Chirovici


I picked this up cold from the library as I needed a book with something broken on the cover. Sounded like an interesting thriller, so why not. And it is, to an extent. It's a twisty, turny book, told from multiple perspectives. The first you take as true, as why wouldn't you? But each new person who picks up the baton learns bits and pieces that shake what you thought was true before and makes you question everything.

That said, there are a few flaws that drove me a little crazy:

• The details that are given about getting places is excruciating. I don't care what highway someone took out of New York, what turn off they too, how long they drove down it and turned right on to something in New Jersey, then took a left and parked in front of the school house. I do not care.

• The second and third perspectives are incapable of referring to any of the other characters except by their full names. I know Laura is Laura Baines. There is only one Laura in the book. You could call her Laura, or Baines if you wish, but you don't have to... oh okay, you're going to anyway... for 200pp or so. Great.

• The author has this annoying habit of over explaining details. They don't really have rhyme or reason of what he chooses to go into great detail about, but you will be stuck there being borderline mansplained to.

This said, it was a reasonable twisty read for a random pick up.