A review by thereadingwren
Eat Your Heart Out by Dayna Ingram



This was kind of a shitshow and it knew it. The first 2-3 chapters (half the book) were boring as hell as we kept getting flashbacks of Devin's lackluster relationship. Then the zombie stuff started getting interesting and Renni and Devin had some pretty good chemistry. Then it all went to hell again with Fury not making any sense at all (and being very well aware of that fact) and the explanation for the bite infection was the equivalent of 'it was all a dream'.

I appreciate that the book never took itself seriously at all, it was VERY aware of the cliche's and the convenient plot devices used. And obviously Michelle Rodriguez is hot like burning and a total badass so 'Renni' was a cool character. That's about all I liked, and the queer rep. The rest of it sucked.