A review by brittniphillips
James Potter and the Curse of the Gatekeeper by G. Norman Lippert


Awful. I appreciate Lippert's want and effort to extend the world of HP. I even liked the first book but this one was painful to read and completely unbelievable. First these kids know way to much about their parent's teenage life. "Dad did this..." "Mom did that..." "Dad told me about this..." etc. No kid knows every detail of their parent's life when their parents were teenagers and no parent tells their kids everything they did when they were teenagers either! In addition to the kids overly knowing about their parent's teenage life there are also recurring themes... Voldemort, scar on the forehead, chamber of secrets, scary foretelling dreams, werewolf on the loose, sneaky trips to hogsmeade... all of these have been written about before and were better written by JKR herself. If I want a retelling of what happened to HP then I'll pick up my HP books and read it. I just couldn't look past these aspects of the story as well as the incredible amount of superfluous dialogue and poor side stories. All in all if you liked the first one you might like this one but it just wasn't for me.