A review by cody240fc
Omer Pasha Latas: Marshal to the Sultan by Ivo Andrić


Andric's final novel has moments of insight and beauty, but at times its incompleteness is obvious. In his introduction, Vollmann calls it a strange novel and I would have to agree. Ostensibly about the titular character, this novel is really a collection of stories about individuals within the Pasha's immediate circle. The Pasha is often spoken of but for the most part he remains off stage; lurking but never present.

Several of theses stories are very well done. We spend the majority of the novel inside the minds of Andric's characters, and with this method the author easily portrays the torment, desire, depression and uncertainty that seems to possess every person in Bosnia.

'Omer Pasha Latas' is a good novel that offers so much promise if the author had lived to see it completed. In its current form, however, it falls short of excellence.

My biggest takeaway is that it is human nature to want to sit in judgement of others. Given the events of Andric's political life, it is not surprising that he feels this way.