A review by shonaningyo
Double Dare to be Scared: Another Thirteen Chilling Tales by Robert D. San Souci


I read this book back in 2004 when I was in around Middle School. Around 3rd or 4th grade I guess. I had the urge to find the book again but unfortunately couldn't. But just yesterday I had an epiphany: One of the stories in this book is "Mountain Childers" . And so that's how I recalled the name of this book! Yay me.

From what I can remember, this book is full of good dark stories, cruel irony, and enough coincidences and evil to make you shiver a little. The drawings depicting the story were creepy-cute sometimes (Class Cootie) and haunting/down right horrific in others (Half-Past Midnight). Some of the stories bored me at first from reading the title, but in the end I went back and read them all, and I'm glad I did. Each were entertaining without repeating or recycling anything, which is a must when you do a collection of short stories of any genre. The story telling was quick and the characters in each had their own little petty personalities to drive the story and to make it realistic in its own way. Recommend this book for people around 12 or 13 years old, but of course anyone can read an easy spooky compilation like this.