A review by mcinkdrinker
Our Lady of Perpetual Hunger: A Memoir by Lisa Donovan


If I could add a sixth star, a heart emoji, and that gif of Kristen Bell ugly-happy crying because of a sloth on Ellen, I would do it. This memoir reached deep down into my (more battered and hungry than I realized) soul and woke some things up, banished others, and made me so ravenous for buttermilk biscuits that I can barely stand it. [a:Lisa Donovan|6485388|Lisa Donovan|https://s.gr-assets.com/assets/nophoto/user/u_50x66-632230dc9882b4352d753eedf9396530.png] has such a beautiful, resonant, and inspiring voice. And her tale, which she lays brutally naked for us to consider, is a remarkable one. I am torn between recommending this book to every single human I know and keeping it clutched privately to my chest so that I can keep it protected and sacred in my heart for always.

Long story short: read this book immediately and be all the better [if hungrier] for it.