A review by literallyilliterate
Cinder by Marissa Meyer




age recommendation: 12+
main content warnings: plague/pandemic/illness, death, blood, brief medical torture

He was the fantasy of every girl in the country. He was so far out of realm, her world, that she should have stopped thinking about him the second the door had closed. Should stop thinking about him immediately. Should never think about him again, except maybe as a client--and her prince.
And yet, the memory of his fingers against her skin refused to fade

Cinder is the first book in The Lunar Chronicles series. It is a sci-fi Cinderella retelling that takes place years into the future in New Beijing, a city filled with both humans and androids, currently being overtaken by a deadly plague. We follow our main character Cinder, a cyborg mechanic who gets caught in the midst of an intergalactic political struggle when Prince Kai requests her help in repairing his android. Over the course of the book, Cinder learns more about her mysterious past and that there is something unusual about her that one would kill for.

I can see why this series is so popular because this book is super engaging. It took me a while to get into the story because of some content I wasn't expecting, but soon enough I was completely hooked and found it hard to put the book down. There were several plot twists woven throughout the story, and while they were predictable, they still kept things interesting and fast-paced. It was super fun getting acquainted with the world and learning about androids, cyborgs, and Lunars.

Cinder was an interesting character to follow. She's an outsider in society because she's cyborg and is despised by her stepfamily. Her only friend is her android Iko, who was absolutely hilarious might I add! But Cinder had one of the most intriguing pasts I have read about in a while. I thoroughly enjoyed seeing the truth behind it unravel. And oh my goodness, I loved KAI. I love how he isn't written as a rich happy Prince Charming type character with no problems, but how his struggles were clearly pictured throughout the story. But overall, he was really sweet and I loved his little moments of banter with Cinder. The elevator scene?!?!?! Had me INTERNALLY SCREAMING.

Now can we talk about THE FREAKING LUNAR QUEEN??? I've already forgotten her name because I dislike her so much. She is the most unquestionably EVIL character I have ever seen. She's so irritating and cruel and MANNN SHE SUCKS. I need someone to just punch her in the face already.

Anyway, I am now anxiously anticipating the chance to read the next book because the ending was absolutely wild and I need to know MOREEEEE.