A review by linneakarchibald
The Wild Birds: Six Stories of the Port William Membership by Wendell Berry


I always love a good Wendell Berry book and this one is one I’ll be returning to again in the future. Berry’s calm and quiet work is a welcome antidote to the loud and busy world we find ourselves in today, as always.

While my favorite of his works are still “Jayber Crow” and “Hannah Coulter,” several of the stories in this collection still come to mind frequently for me and offer color and depth to some of the characters I knew less well. The stories concerning Matt Feltner in particular have stayed with me and I look forward to revisiting Berry’s other works with the knowledge these stories imparted.

The Port William membership welcomes the reader in as one of their own, giving them a seat at the table and, should you choose to pull up a chair, you won’t regret it.