A review by operasara
Sizzle by Lee McClain


Sizzle by Lee McClair follows Linda who is forced to move from her aunts home in New Mexico where she cooks spicy Mexican food on a daily basis to Pittsburgh with her Aunt Pat (the Queen of Cans) and her very large family. Linda must learn to deal with a new school, a new family and somehow try to make her love of cooking work with an Aunt that doesn't use fresh food.

I loved reading about Linda, a Hispanic girl living as a foster child and trying to figure out how to navigate a different world. The descriptions of the food that she makes are mouth watering. I finished this book in an afternoon, unable to put it down.

Appropriateness: There is no adult content in this book. There is a bit of romance and boyfriend talk (enough that it would probably turn off boys). I would recommend this book to readers 9-13. It's a good book to talk about what makes a family and how compromise can work when trying to work through differences.