A review by falconerreader
The River Why by David James Duncan


This is my favorite book.

Okay, I read it when I was 18, and it's a coming of age story. If I discovered it today, it might not have the same impact. Also, as a native Oregonian, I loved recognizing my home in these pages. I'm a sucker for quotes, and Duncan gives us several with each chapter. It starts out with a lot of boisterous humor and becomes increasingly philosophical, perfect for a reader like myself who might be frightened off by too much philosophy right up front. And then there's the love story...

My copy of this book, bought in Annie Bloom's bookstore in Multnomah Village the summer after high school, is now held together with a rubber band. It's been to Vermont, to Japan, to Denmark, and to Latvia. (I didn't get to accompany it to Japan, but I understand it was read by several people while there.) There may be a good argument for Duncan's The Brothers K being a better book, but Gus and his friends and family will always have my heart.