A review by annaroosvw
Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman


An extremely intelligent book about not-very-intelligent people. I would say this is one of the most inclusive books around, because every single one of us 'operates' te way Daniel explains to us. The way we see, experience, think and make decisions is flawed in so many ways, and this is oke. When it comes to cognitive illusions and errors, I hear the line "I don't have this" and "I don't do that" very often, expecially in academic surroundings. Myself included. The egalitarian truth is, that even the smartest people follow very stupid mental paths, simply because they too - are human.

People say this book changes your life. According to Daniel, it will not, because you cannot change your system 1 and system 2. Recognizing - you can do that, which will make some of your decisions a little better. And even then: I would say the goal of the book is to feel humble, to learn to see things in perspective, to be overwhelmed, brainwashed and epiphanized about the beauty of being human.