A review by gloria_l
Born of Legend by Sherrilyn Kenyon


I'm giving this book a reluctant 4 stars. So here's the thing: I really enjoy this series. So much! Up until this book, the series has just plowed along. Each main character is well tied to the others and it's pretty clear the political issues between the League, the Sentella, Andaria, Triosan, and so on.

And then comes Jules eton Anatole's story. Cheese and rice, Sherrilyn! This story went on and on and on! I appreciate the need to redeem him from the spoiled entitled a-hole he was presented as prior to this book. But holy-psychological analysis, Batman! It was chapter after chapter of how brutalized and abused he was by his family. I think that could have been tidied a bit.

I really enjoyed all the characters and the story in general. My only negative is that it could have been edited quite a bit. I don't think it needed 700+ pages to tell Jules' story. Could have gotten the job done in about 500.